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Hillary Clinton’s recent call for increased online censorship is not just another political talking point; it’s part of a growing trend among Democrats and their allies to control the flow of information and, ultimately, control what Americans think, say, and believe. Hillary Clinton to John Kerry, Joe Biden’s Ministry of Truth and the Twitter Files scandal exposed by Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi – Democrats have gone all-in on censoring opinions that don’t fit their vision of the world. But why, then, are they so eager to squash disagreeable perspectives? What is behind this obsession with censorship, fear and domination?

Democrat Party’s Obsession of Censorship and Domination

The Democratic Party’s ever-increasing dependency on censorship stems from a deep-seated desire to dominate discourse and control public opinion. Clinton’s call for stricter regulation of “misinformation” is just another iteration of a classic left-wing theme. It’s not simply about taking the debate or making a stronger argument, it’s about closing the game. Democrats and their friends in Big Tech and the mainstream media, have become the truth-seats and often define what is “acceptable” and what is not for public consumption.

The false Russia Collusion scandal is an excellent example. The Left long promoted the fallacy that then-President Donald Trump conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election. It was a fabrication that was perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the FBI. Even when the myth had been fully discredited, it had caused irreparable harm. For years the mainstream media echoed the narrative while critics were silenced or silenced, because Big Tech players like Twitter and Facebook wielded so much control of the information and the distribution of it.

Only when Elon Musk purchased Twitter, unmasked its cooperation with the government to silence critics, and loosened its oppressive speech laws, did Americans see the censorship engine at work. Musk’s Twitter Files poured the dirt on how extensive the Big Tech/state conspiracy was, and how the institutions conspired to silence conservative thought, ban people, and skew public opinion.

As soon as Musk opened the door to this operation, Democrats began to move in — urging the repeal of Section 230, which exempts social media platforms from liability for user-generated content. They came out and demanded they repeal it: ‘as long as Big Tech was censoring conservatives, Section 230 was fine. But after the censorship stalled, the left became agitated about what the law might do. And this double standard is not only unjustifiable, it’s dangerous.

When the Left attacked Parler, it was in an orchestrated way to shut down one of the few free-speaking platforms that did not sell out to the Big Tech oligopoly. Following the January 6th Capitol riot, Parler was accused of being a fertile ground for extremist discourse, when in reality most of the planning took place on other channels such as Facebook and Twitter. This offered an excuse for major tech giants — Apple, Google, Amazon — to literally de-platform Parler, taking it off of app stores and disconnecting the server. The immediate and brutal takedown reflected the Left’s willingness to use corporate power to silence critical voices and remove competition, while pretending to fight “misinformation.” Parler’s demotion had a gnawing message: anything that doesn’t align with the official story can and will be killed.

Why The Left Hates Everyone They Can’t Control?

What is so horrifying is the amount of rage Democrats have against anyone and everyone they can’t control, especially big names like Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Their entire campaign against Trump is one of non-stop attacks of his character, his family, his businesses, his associates even to the point where radical Democrats are trying to kill him. The mainstream media, Big Tech, the Justice Department and the Democrat Party have constantly coordinated efforts to take him down at every point, starting with the Russia smear campaign, moving on to two impeachments, all the legal battles and two assassination attempts. Because Trump has always refused to be part of the political establishment, he has long been a target for the Left.

During the Obama administration, the Justice Department conducted illegal warrantless wiretaps and surveillance of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign – a violation of both the law and civil rights. They were unreported and blatantly unlawful, and directly connected to the defunct Russia Collusion story. Despite the legality of these wiretaps and the militarization of the intelligence services, no one has ever been held accountable. This abuse of power went unpunished, leaving us questioning the integrity of the Justice Department and its neutrality toward Democratic Party political opponents.

Musk, too, has been made the Democrat’s new villain because he bought Twitter and advocates for free speech. Like Trump, Musk stands as a challenge to the left’s totalitarian control over popular life. And his disdain for subordination, paired with his wealth and power, makes him an uncontrollable actor – and the left cannot be bothered.

These individuals represent the Democrats’ worst nightmare: influential figures who refuse to do as they please. Those relentless assaults on Musk and Trump aren’t simply about policy differences: it’s about trying to slaughter anyone who isn’t willing to buck the Left’s control of speech, media and culture. Democrats hate Trump and Musk purely because they cannot control them. This type of hate of individual thought is characteristic of totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism through Censorship: The Signature of the Left

The Left’s obsession with speech and information censorship, and controlling the public narrative resembles that of classic totalitarianism. It isn’t merely government but the whole of life, and it includes thinking, speech, media, education and the market. And that’s exactly what Democrats are aiming for. Censoring words, controlling the press and having Big Tech be their chaplains, they have established themselves as the “Guardians of Truth.”

No one in totalitarian states is free to disagree and everyone who defies conformity is slanderously humiliated, put on the defensive, prosecuted, imprisoned and even executed. It’s the same script as Democrats continue to play today. They refer to unpopular speech as “misinformation” or “hate speech”, demand it be suppressed, and use state authority and corporate affiliation to achieve their agenda. Their opponents, such as Trump and Musk, are characterized as dangerous or radical and their ideas silenced through threats, character assassinations and censorship.

Parler’s Resistance To Censorship

While free speech is under fire, outlets such as Parler are a unification point. Parler rested on the premise that free speech is not merely a privilege, but a fundamental building block of humanity. The platform’s plan to relaunch without Big Tech interference was an involuntary response to censorship and tyranny, which is increasingly present in all the big social media platforms. With its own private cloud infrastructure Parler has also made it safe from Big Tech oligarchy de-platforming or management.

In addition, Parler’s announcement of PlayTV — a true competitor to YouTube and TikTok — and Parler News, a news source independent of popular media slant, show the company’s willingness to create an inclusive culture. Contrary to the left’s repressive regime of expression, Parler defends individual agency and the free movement of thought.

For Parler, it is clear that ‘censorship is democracy itself’. Free speech makes ideas a sport, whereby the best idea wins – not because it is brought before us by the government or Big Tech, but because it has been challenged and validated in public. This is the spine of US liberty and the very foundation of what Parler protects.

These demands for more censorship from Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other Democrats are not just mere bluster, they are a slippery slope toward totalitarianism. They never fail to get at those they can’t control – Trump, Musk – and that’s the left agenda at work: absolute mastery over ideas, words and culture. And that’s why places such as Parler play such a crucial role: to maintain the freedom of free speech and personal agency.

As the Left fights speech in an unrelenting manner, we should stand with Americans to preserve the First Amendment and the marketplace of ideas. Our Constitutional Republic depends on it. And if Parler is still expanding, it’s an essential tool in that struggle — a society where free speech isn’t allowed; it’s celebrated and truly protected.

To learn more about Parler’s commitment to free speech, go to Parler